
Opinion and Only Opinion

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Hyderabad Realty - A comparison with top cities of India

 Supply Trend Year on Year - Hyderabad the only city to see increased supply

Average Price - Hyderabad still the cheapest city in India


  1. I see a lot of increase in average price per sqft for both Villa and apartment projects over the last several months in Hyderabad. Is that reflected here? I am wondering what the causes are for the increase in average price?

    1. You are correct, all the recent increases can be included in 2021 data only. The above numbers are till 2020 and Hyderabad overall average. And 2020, Anarock or whatever the source cannot put more people on the ground to collect data due to the pandemic. If I consider the first 6 months of 2020, I think the data for overall Hyderabad is fair.

  2. Here the data from 2016to 2020 of Hyderabad shows that there hasn't been any drastic changes. But in reality it is quite contradictory. So wonder from which data this report is prepared.

    1. I was quoting about the price trend

    2. You are correct, all the recent increases can be included in 2021 data only. As suggested above, it is total Hyd avg, not just west Hyd. And 2020, Anarock or whatever the source cannot put more people on the ground to collect data due to the pandemic. If I consider the first 6 months of 2020, I think the data for overall Hyderabad is fair. Sorry, for repeating the earlier response.

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